High School

South Callaway High School is dedicated to inspire and empower learning for all by promoting a positive difference through

Scholarship, Character, Honor, & Success

Mr. Tucker Bartley, Principal

South Callaway R-II High School

10135 State Road C
Mokane, MO  65059
Phone: 573-676-5225 (option #4)
Fax: 573-676-5132

Courtney Shuler, Administrative Secretary

Tori Winkler, Student Services Secretary

The following site provides information in the areas of critical workforce needs and shortages in the labor markets in this state to high school students to support students' career pathway decisions.  

Start and End Times

  • Regular Day: 8:00 AM - 3:08 PM

  • Early Release: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Late Start: 10:00 AM - 3:08 PM


To ensure the safety of all kids, all food items for birthdays, seasonal parties, or special occasions must be store bought and/or individually packaged. We strongly encourage that all food items be free of nuts and a food label be available. Thank you for your support to keep all students safe.